Wording help
Sending out your wedding invitations is an incredibly exciting part of Wedding planning. Its such a joy to be a part of it, because once they are in the post... it all becomes very real!
But a very important part of your wedding invitations, is they need to be informative, and it can get a bit confusing. There is much debate over traditional etiquettes, who invites your guests and who's name goes first etc etc. So I have put together a list of examples for you to consider, and ensure the wording is right for your day.
If you order Wedding invitations with Lulabee, I am here throughout the journey, ready with guidance and support, so I feel this is the best way to guide my lovely clients in the right direction for the perfect invitations.
The examples below are just a guide, there are many ways to inform your guests, from 'requesting the honour of your presence' to 'shit just got real'.
Details to consider...
Who is hosting?
If it is your parents, then the formal etiquette is for your parents to invite your guests, is this something you would like to consider?
Or do you want to invite your guests directly? There are a number of ways... perhaps consider [Name] & [Name] request the pleasure of your company... OR you may want to invite your guests with both your parents or your families? For example 'Together with their families/parents, [Name] & [Name] request....
Traditional Wedding?
If your parents are paying the bill, it is more likely going to be a traditional wedding. This means the RSVP's would usually be sent to your parents address rather than yours.
Who’s name is first?
This comes down to personal preference. Traditionally in heterosexual weddings the females name goes first.
Guest Names on Invites?
Might seem like a farfetched question, but certainly one worth considering. Most wording will say something along the lines of 'requests the pleasure of the company of .........'. Now this absolutely works, but this means you may have to open up your invitations to write each name inside. There are a number of ways around this.
1) I can print the names for you, for an additional fee. I would just require a spreadsheet of names.
2) Why not consider changing the wording slightly to 'Requests the pleasure of your company' this way you have flexibility with each invitation, you won't need to open them up and the guests name can be placed on the envelope.
Stamp to RSVP envelope?
You do not need to but ultimately comes down to your budget, but if you did want to add a stamp, I can do this for you - and it does help budge your guests to get it in the post back to you! Just let me know and we can work out the costs.
No children?
If you are going for a child free wedding, (or you are only inviting close family children) there are a number of ways you can subtly add this to your invitations.
Some examples...
"Unfortunately due to number restrictions we are unable to extend the invite to your children."
"Although we do love all of your little cherubs we would request that our wedding remain adults only."
"Due to limited numbers, we hope you appreciate that children are only invited if named"
"Unfortunately, as much as we'd like to invite all our friends’ children, it is only possible to accommodate children of close family. We hope that you will understand this decision and we very much hope you will still be able to join us on our special day."
"As much as we'd love to invite your little ones, sheer numbers mean that it's just not possible. We do hope you understand and can still share and enjoy the day with us."
"Our wedding will be a child-free occasion – we hope you can still come and enjoy a night off."
[Add on] "We hope you see this as an opportunity to let you hair down and enjoy the party with us!"
[Add on] "We do hope you understand and can still share and enjoy the day with us."
No Plus ones?
"Due to limited numbers, we hope you appreciate that children and plus ones are only invited if named"
"Due to limited numbers, we hope you appreciate that plus ones are only invited if named"
"Unfortunately due to number restrictions we are unable to extend the invite to plus ones."
Divorced or Remarried parents?
It can be complicated to word your invitations if parents are divorced of remarried. Below are a few examples, but please feel free to email me if you need further help with a specific request.
If neither have remarried (or just the father has) you would use both full names.
If your parents are divorced and remarried, you would name them separately and use your mother’s new married name.
Additional Information?
All invitations are going to need a bit of additional information. Make sure you consider...
* Accommodation Options
* Transportation / Map
* Children / Plus One
*Honeymoon / Gift List
Rsvp Deadline?
This is just a guide, and it will ultimately depend on your preferences as well as your final meeting with the venue, but I would suggest making sure your RSVP date it 10-12 weeks before the big day. However if you are short on time - as long as you have them back in time for your final venue meeting it should be fine!
Evening invitation example
If you are inviting guests to the evening reception only, make sure you word it clearly so your guests aren't confused. Below is a sample worded invitation for inspiration:
[Both your names]
request the pleasure of
[Guest's Name]
to celebrate their evening reception
at [Reception address]
on [date and time]
The last dance will be at [11:30pm] / Carriages at Midnight
Please RSVP as soon as possible / by [date] to:
Phone Number | and or Email | or Home Address
Main invitation examples
Q: Who is hosting? A: Couples parents
Option one:
Mr. and Mrs [Father of the paying Couple’s Names]
request the honour of the company of
at the marriage of their daughter
[Name] to [Name]
on [Date]
all held at [venue & address]
Please arrive at [1:00pm] for a [1:30pm] ceremony
Dinner and Dancing to follow
Option two
[Couples Parents Names]
request the honour of your presence
at the marriage of their child’s
[Name] to [Name]
on [Date]
all held at [venue & address]
Please arrive at [1:00pm] for a [1:30pm] ceremony
followed by the wedding breakfast and evening reception
Option three
[Parents Names]
request the pleasure of your company
at the marriage of their child’s
[Name] to [Name]
on [Date]
at [Church/Ceremony Location]
Please arrive at [2:00pm] for a [2:30pm] ceremony
Dinner & Dancing to follow
at [Reception address]
Carriages at midnight
Option four
[Parents Names]
request the honour of the company of
at the marriage of [Name] to their childs [Name]
on [Date]
at [Church/Ceremony Location]
Please arrive at [1:00pm] for a [1:30pm] ceremony
Then join us for our wedding breakfast at [Ceremony Address]
The last dance will be at [11:30pm]
Q: Who is hosting? A: Couple
Option one
With great pleasure / with hearts full of joy
[Name] and [Name]
request the honour of your company at the
celebration of their marriage
on [Date and Time]
[Ceremony / Venue Addresses]
Reception to follow
Option two
[Full Name]
[Full Name]
request the pleasure of the company of
to celebrate their marriage on
Please arrive at [Time] for a [Time] ceremony,
followed by the wedding breakfast & evening reception.
The Last Dance will be at [Time]
All held at - Venue -
Option three
request the company of
to celebrate their marriage
[Wedding Date]
[Venue Details]
Please arrive at [Time] for a [Time] ceremony
Add on:
Followed by the wedding breakfast and evening reception
- venue details -
Q: Who is hosting? A: Couple and Parents
Option one
Together with their families/ parents
request the pleasure of the company of
to celebrate their marriage on
[Wedding Date]
Please arrive at [Time] for a [Time] ceremony,
followed by the wedding breakfast & evening reception.
Carriages at [Time]
All held at [Venue]
Option two
Together with [Parents]
and [Parents]
request the company of
to celebrate their marriage
[Wedding Date]
[Venue details]
Please arrive at [Time] for a [Time] ceremony
Reception to follow
Relaxed and expressive
Shit Just got Real!
Please Join us for the wedding of
[Name] & [Name]
[Venue etc]
[Wedding Date]
What time?
Please arrive at [Time] for a [Time] Ceremony.
The Last Dance will be at [Time] if you can still stand or as long as you like if you’re staying the night! We hope you see this as an opportunity to let your hair down and enjoy the party with us!
Rsvp wording
I have a standard set up for RSVP's which is usually the following...
Kindly reply by [Date/Month/Year]
○ Accepts with Pleasure | ○ Declines with Regret
Any Dietary Requirements? ....................................
However there are many different variations, below are a few examples...
○ Count us In! | ○ Sorry to miss it!
○ Would love to attend | ○ Regretfully Declines
○ Sounds like fun, see you there! | ○ Oops sorry, can't make it!
○ Wouldn't Miss it | ○ Will be there in spirit
○ Yes! I'm ready to attack the dance floor | ○ No, and I will forever regret this decision!
I can also add a music option for the DJ, and if you have a Menu choice I can upgrade your RSVP to a booklet so each guest can fill out their menu choice.
Gift list
We know it's not traditional it's not the way it's done
But instead of a wedding list we'd like a bit of sun.
Please do not think of us as rude please do not take offence
We do not want to upset you, that's not the way it's meant.
We've lived together quite a while and all the bills are paid
We've got our plates, our pots and pans, our plans have all been made.
So if you'd like to give a gift to help us celebrate
Some money for a honeymoon we would appreciate.
We are sending out this invitation, in hope you will join a celebration,
But if a gift is your intention, may we take this opportunity to mention.
We have already got a kettle and two toasters, crockery, dinner mats, and matching coasters.
So rather than something we have already got,
We would appreciate money for our honeymoon pot.
But most importantly we request, that you come to our wedding as our guest!
We've lived together quite a while with all our pots and pans,
and as we don't need homely gifts we've got another plan!
We know it's not traditional but an awful lot more fun,
to have items on our wedding list to help us catch some sun!
So if you'd like to give a gift and send us on our way
a donation to our honeymoon would really make our day!
Then while we're relaxing on the beach, or by the pool so blue
we'll sit back and know that it is truly thanks to you!
The date has been set and we’d love you to come,
to celebrate our wedding, a long way for some.
All you must do, is decide what to wear,
then polish your jewellery and comb up your hair.
Don’t worry about gifts, don’t buy us a yacht,
the things that we need, we’ve already got.
Our home is quite compact, we may have to move,
then our storage and space will surely improve.
Don’t go out shopping or get yourself stressed,
don’t alter your plans for a pre-wedding rest.
If you want to be generous, despite what we’ve said,
then save all the hassle and do this instead….
Don’t know how to word this but will give it our best shot…
contributions are most welcome, we’ll go somewhere hot!
A honeymoon would be marvellous, to start off our life.
In our long winding journey, as new husband and wife!
When thinking of a gift for us, We ask if you’d please consider,
contributing to our honeymoon, to make it all the sweeter.
Our house is full of all the things, a couple could require,
and so a holiday away is what we most desire.
Then while we're relaxing on the beach or by the pool so blue
we'll sit back and know, that it is truly thanks to you!
Money / Vouchers
So what do you get for the bride and groom,
whose house needs things in every room?
When shopping for a present please don’t be rash,
as there is always the option to just give cash!
We hope you don’t find our request to be funny,
but we really would appreciate a gift of money.
And once we've replaced the old with the new,
We can look back and say it was thanks to you.
Please find within this poem, information just for you,
with some rules and regulations, that we both insist you do.
The first one is vital, if you're to be our guest,
to eat, drink and be merry, or do your very best.
The second is an order, so don't bring two left feet,
as when the evening comes around, you MUST dance to the beat.
The third rule can be broken, we really do not mind,
but if you choose to follow it, thank you for being kind.
We've been together for a few years, and have a lovely home,
so there are lots of items, that we already own.
So if your thoughts were on a gift, your presence will suffice,
but if you really feel the need, then money would be nice.
The choice is really up to you, and we would like to say,
we hope you come, enjoy yourselves, and have a lovely day.
We haven't got a gift list, for all of you to see, because as you all know we never can agree!
But if you'd like to help us, start our married life, cash or high street vouchers, would save a lot of strife!
We have most of the things we need like a kettle and two toasters,
we have two different crockery sets with dinner plates and coasters,
Pots and pans, knives and forks, a chopping board for cheese,
If you would like to give us a gift we would like the money please!
We've been together quite a while and have a lovely home,
There are not too many items, that we don't already own.
So if your thoughts were on a gift, your presence will suffice,
but if you really feel the need, then vouchers/money would be nice.
The choice is really up to you, and we would like to say,
We hope you come, enjoy yourselves and have a lovely day.
New Home
We really appreciate you sharing our wedding with us,
and your company is all we ask for on this special day.
If however you would like to give us a present to mark the occasion,
we would be hugely appreciative of a little money,
as we are saving in order to buy our own home.
Our next wish once husband and wife,
is to buy a house and enjoy married life.
We can't wait to see you on our wedding day,
to enjoy all the special moments and party away!
But please, only IF you wish to participate,
a donation of money would be ever so great.
And when we are sat in our home so new,
we can look back and say it was all thanks to you.